7 tips to be more happy

Harsh Saglani
3 min readJan 26, 2021


Photo by Jeremy Cai on Unsplash

I believe self-love is directly proportional to own happiness. The more you love yourself, the lesser you expect somebody else to do that for you, which leads to finding happiness in smaller things in life. Try the following tip for just one day and you’ll see the difference. So here are just 7 tips to be more happier.

  1. Wake up when your alarm rings. Now, you might think this is unintuitive but hear me out. It is extremely essential how you wake up. Notice I didn’t say when, but how. When you set an alarm at night, you set an intention, a small promise to yourself. Make sure you keep that promise and get out of bed as soon as that alarm rings.
  2. Make your bed when you get out of it. William McRaven, US Navy Admiral once said, “If You Want to Change the World, Start Off by Making Your Bed”. Now, here’s the reason behind this thought. When you make your bed, the first thing in the morning, you are not only practicing self discipline, but you’re already finishing the first task of your day. It will give you a sense of pride and will encourage you to do another task and another and another! It will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter and at night you’ll come home to a bed that is made! A bed that you made, which will give you encouragement that tomorrow will be even better.
  3. Motivate yourself in the mirror. Give yourself a hi5, appreciate yourself, give yourself a compliment when you look at yourself in the mirror. This will not only reduce the voice of the self critic inside you but also motivate you and lighten up your mood!
  4. Reach out to people who come across your mind! One of the problems of our generation is that even though we’re surrounded by people but we still feel lonely. We feel no one understands us or wants to talk to us. So, when someone comes across your mind, a friend or a family member, text them or call them and let them know you’re thinking about them. When you reach out to people, chances are that both you and the other person feel less lonely!
  5. Measure the gain not the gap. Dan Sulvian in his book “The gap and the gain”, tells us about how we should always compare ourselves with our former self and measure how much we’ve gained instead of measuring with the gap between us and our goal which always seems so far away. This not only changes our mindset, but also motivates us by seeing our growth.
  6. Keep those small promises that you make yourself. Often times we make ourselves some promises, like waking up in the morning, or learning that new thing, or trying out a new experience, even some small promises like drinking more water or even sending an email. Even these small promises matter! When you know you can count on yourself, its a sign that you love yourself.
  7. Make an evening ritual. We all know that a great morning routine can keep us motivated and energetic throughout the day. But keep a ritual in the evenings or before our bedtime is extremely essential too. Before you go to bed, try to fix some activities that help you relax, like taking a shower, reading a book, or taking care of your skin. These activities can help you relive the day’s stress and is the best way to ensure a good sleep and a great next morning.

Finally a bonus and the most difficult tip for our generation is to refrain from using your phone at least an hour before you go to bed and an hour after you wake up.

I hope you become even more happier everyday. Make it your mission today that you are the reason for someone’s smile! Here’s a cute picture of a cat to make you smile :)

Photo by freddie marriage on Unsplash

